What is Rheumatoid Arthritis

rheumaRheumatoid arthritis can be a debilitating condition that can leave joints painful, swollen and permanently deformed, affecting peoples’ daily lives.  Although chiropractic is definitely not a cure for such a condition, according to one Perth chiropractor, chiropractic care may help these patients be more comfortable and improve their symptoms.

Are you sick of red, hot, swollen joints? Have they stopped you from doing things you once loved to do? If so, call the practice now on (08) 61508785 Scarborough or (08) 61508783 Mount Pleasant to arrange an appointment with your Perth Chiropractor and find out if chiropractic can help you with your arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, meaning that the body’s white blood cells get confused and begin to attach other cells in the body .  It is most common in women between the ages of 25 and 50, although it may also start in children .  The causes of rheumatoid arthritis remain a mystery, although genetics are believed to play a role, alongside recent infection or illness .  It primarily targets the hands and feet, although it may also affect other synovial joints throughout the body.  In some cases, the skin, lungs, heart and blood vessels may also become inflamed and damaged .

Chiropractors specialize in the diagnosis, management and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions.  Chiropractors help a range of conditions by improving joint mobility, muscle tone, length and power.  Treatments focus on improving joint range of motion that has become stiff due to pain and immobilization, as well as relaxing muscles and other structures that may have seized up .  The chiropractor will use individualized techniques,based on each individual, as not all techniques are appropriate for everyone.

Chiropractors may also help by providing education, ergonomic advice, rehabilitation exercises, icing and heating advice and nutritional and supplementation support.

Nutrition and supplementation is key to managing chronic inflammation in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.  Certain food triggers not only exacerbate present symptoms but are also predisposing to other chronic health issues such as diabetes type II, obesity and atherosclerosis.  One example is sugar.  This is because sugar is said to increase cytokine release, a pro-inflammatory messenger cell. Don’t forget that sugar has many names and may often be referred to as fructose or sucrose!Other foods to avoid include saturated fats (such as in our cheese, pastas and pizzas); trans fat (in our takeaway, cookies and fried foods); MSG; artificial sweeteners such as aspartame; and alcohol.

As part of their treatment, chiropractors often provide nutritional advice and support, which can help you make informed decisions about the foods that you eat .  Eating more greens and vegetables, increasing omega-3 intake and taking vitamins to maximize cell function are common recommendations made that help minimize arthritis effects on the body.

If you believe chiropractic may be able to help you to live more comfortably with your arthritis, then call the practice now on (08) 61508785 Scarborough or (08) 6150873 Mount Pleasant to arrange an appointment.
